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Bren Axon@Woofers
Apr 2, 202311 min read
Training tools - The Good, The Bad, and the Downright Ugly....
Now, settle in for a bit of a read, because I’m going to be talking for a while about what equipment there is to help you train your dog,...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Feb 7, 20218 min read
You don't need a shock collar to train a crocodile.....
You can train a wild animal who is an apex predator to present itself to you in a certain way so you can check on its physical welfare.....
Bren Axon@Woofers
Apr 11, 20204 min read
Love and Adoption in the time of Covid 19
There are stories abounding of shelters empty of rescue animals because during this time of Covid 19, people are adopting dogs and cats...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Aug 19, 20196 min read
Thoughts On Losing Our Precious Pets (with Update)
The last time we lost a dog was at the end of November 2011 when our beloved Leonberger, Max who was a month shy of his 11th birthday,...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Jul 17, 20194 min read
Helping clients have confidence to train their dogs
At the end of this blog is a link to an interesting study and well worth a read. It talks about clients having confidence to use...

Bren Axon @ Woofers
Jun 29, 20193 min read
Cropping ears and docking tails is just plain wrong
Cropping ears and docking tails is wrong. I will never accept an argument from anyone who says that there are times when it is...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Feb 22, 20195 min read
Coping with Reactive Dogs
Part 1 – Puppies! There seem to be lots of dogs that yell “stay away!” these days; I seem to encounter them everywhere. By this, I mean...

Bren Axon @ Woofers
Feb 19, 20199 min read
It's no secret that I have an abhorrence of punishment based training. The methods I particularly despise are prong, choke and shock...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Oct 31, 20184 min read
Dogs and Fireworks - How to Help Your Dog
There are lots of different reasons that people buy fireworks. Halloween, New Year, Christmas, maybe someone's birthday or another...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Apr 22, 20187 min read
Coping with a Reactive Dog Part 2
Are You An “After Dark Dog Walker?” I wonder how many people reading this can identify with being an After Dark Dog Walker? I can. Been...

Bren Axon@Woofers
Mar 29, 20184 min read
Dog Whispering, Or Dog Abuse?
These days it seems that no matter how many times statements are put out by Humane Societies, the AVSAB, the SPCA, the Pet Professional...
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